Empowering people for mission

Supporting and developing leaders within the church, higher education, and the military

Dr. Clinton W. Lowin has served in organizational leadership since 1991, primarily using his knowledge, skills and abilities to develop leaders.

Currently, he serves as the Minister of Missions at First Baptist Church Tyler, Texas. His prior role was Executive Director and Campus Dean of Wayand Baptist University San Antonio.

Prior to his return to Wayland, he completed duty as the Director of Religious Education for the US Army with the Religious Support Office in Wiesbaden Germany. In the past, he served as the Dean of the School of Religion and Philosophy, Lester W. James, Senior Professor in Religion at Wayland Baptist University; as minister of many congregations; and as a lead catalyst of unique learning environments to help people discover and develop their calling and capacity.


Dr. Lowin has served as a faculty member and administrator of a number of universities, including Malone University; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Dordt University; and Wayland Baptist University. He has been awarded multiple faculty awards and higher education grants for innovative educational program design.

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Local and Global Church

Clinton has equipped, empowered, and engaged congregations in local church and global missional settings.

He served as the lead catalyst and facilitator of international church planting efforts in the Dominican Republic; mobilized participants to cross-cultural mission experiences (Canada, Mexico, DR, Kenya, Brazil, all over the continental United States); enabled local church revitalization projects in Ohio, Texas, and Iowa; and led strategic interim pastorates assisting churches through healthy leadership transitions.